graphic designer richard smith thinks designers can help kick-start the US economy with 'a thorough,
in-depth, rebranding scheme - starting with the redesign of the iconic US dollar'. smith recently created the designs
featured here and is asking the public to contribute their own dollar designs to his blog.
'the american dollar has not truly been redesigned since about the 1930s. the dollar redesign project is your
opportunity to theoretically ‘change’ that. yes, technically there are many limitations and complications when
it comes to bank note design, but if the swiss can do it on a regular basis, why can’t we north americans too.
besides our great ‘rival’, the euro, looks so spanky in comparison it seems the only clear way to revive this
global recession is to rebrand and redesign. why not ? it seems to work for everyone else …' RS
full details of the project can be found here.
via iso50
- Sep 08 Tue 2009 11:02
richard smith:dollar redesign project